Odds and Ends
It's been a busy couple of weeks here. Today I woke up and didn't quite know what to do. Since I know that there's lots to do in the office, I almost went in, not wanting to "waste" time at home.
Last weekend was my first trip to Whistler, which was a humbling experience. I felt like I spent a lot of the trip whining. There was a lot of steep stuff (scary), flat cat tracks (hard for a not-so-great boarder), and some hard and icy snow (painful). Once I got warmed up, however, I had a good time, and transited the 2010 Olympics Women's Super G course. I imagine that the Olympians will finish a little faster than I did and won't get lost in the fog.
This week was full of work days with back-to-back meetings and the only time to catch up and answer email, voicemail, etc was before 7 or after 5. Throw in the refi that we're working on, a community project that's getting ramped up, and another dentist visit, and it's been a little crazy.
Today I went to a Seattle library for the first time in 2 years! (I have gone to the King County library near work, but not too recently). I've found a few friends who have expressed interest in a book club, so I'm psyched to get reading again. I tried reading this afternoon, and after 30 minutes found myself enjoying a lovely nap. I guess I was a little tired.
Tomorrow is a bike ride, a movie, and perhaps more gardening. Spring is here!

It's been a busy couple of weeks here. Today I woke up and didn't quite know what to do. Since I know that there's lots to do in the office, I almost went in, not wanting to "waste" time at home.
Last weekend was my first trip to Whistler, which was a humbling experience. I felt like I spent a lot of the trip whining. There was a lot of steep stuff (scary), flat cat tracks (hard for a not-so-great boarder), and some hard and icy snow (painful). Once I got warmed up, however, I had a good time, and transited the 2010 Olympics Women's Super G course. I imagine that the Olympians will finish a little faster than I did and won't get lost in the fog.
This week was full of work days with back-to-back meetings and the only time to catch up and answer email, voicemail, etc was before 7 or after 5. Throw in the refi that we're working on, a community project that's getting ramped up, and another dentist visit, and it's been a little crazy.
Today I went to a Seattle library for the first time in 2 years! (I have gone to the King County library near work, but not too recently). I've found a few friends who have expressed interest in a book club, so I'm psyched to get reading again. I tried reading this afternoon, and after 30 minutes found myself enjoying a lovely nap. I guess I was a little tired.
Tomorrow is a bike ride, a movie, and perhaps more gardening. Spring is here!
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