Friday, June 27, 2008

Chasing Away the Junuary Blues

As I've stated before, June is really the worst month in Seattle. Sure, November has very short, dark, and rainy days with little to no sun, but it's November. November is supposed to have miserable weather. June is supposed to be summer. Growing up in Virginia, by June we'd already had a few beach or pool trips (and sunburns) under our belts and could put shorts on first thing in the morning without even checking the thermometer or weather forecast. Here, we've been having grey, drizzly days, with temperatures in the 40's and 50's. I am a big fan of rainy days (come on, I chose to live here), but this year, things had gotten a bit ridiculous. Amanda wrote a charming post about things to celebrate this summer, and I found myself getting bitter about the fact that everyone else was getting summer, and we were deep in early spring. What's contributing to the gloom is the fact that I haven't been taking good care of myself, eating and drinking too much, sleeping too little, and exercising less than I should be considering my summer race calendar. Feeling puffy is not good for my mood.


The weather started turning towards summer this week. We're supposed to get temperatures in the 80's this weekend! So, here is my list of things that are helping me to pull myself out of the Junuary doledrums:

Dreams from My Father by Barack Obama: Not only a book about a great man in his early years, it's really well written.

Local Farmers' Market: nothing beats super fresh local, organic produce, especially when it's available within an easy walk from home.

First Tri of the Season: We did the Lake Padden Tri again this year and once again it ranks up with one of my favorite races ever. Great organization, small but competitive field, and the perfect distance to be challenging but still fun.

A little vacation with my family this week won't hurt, either!


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