New banner pix!
This one was from my parent's visit to Seattle in June. It was taken by my dad on the ferry to San Juan Island, and is of (left to right) me, Jeff, Michael, Kate (my sister) and my mom.
My dad took this terrific photo of Mt. Rainier on that visit, too. We had amazing weather!
Here I am in the Japanese garden in Portland the first weekend in August.
Jeff and I had a couple local (Portland) brews after the Run Hit Wonder 10K.
Wine tasting on San Juan Island. We never rode these scooters, but enjoyed watching them as we biked around the island.
Chilly me right before getting off the ferry to Bainbridge Island to ride the Chilly Hilly in February.
At the Monterey Aquarium late October this year.
After biking over the Golden Gate Bridge, we took the ferry back to Fisherman's Wharf in San Fransisco and had the requisite chowder in a bread bowl with the original microbrew.

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